Monday, October 09, 2006

Tranquil picture of the sun coming through the trees on the east side of the back. Looks very peaceful.

1 comment:

Tina T-P said...

Hi Benita - Greetings from Washington State! I finally got the link you posted to come up on my computer - I don't know why it wouldn't earlier ~~ - Anyhow - what beautiful pictures you took this a.m. - John tells me I miss all the pictures like thia because I'm never up early enought to see it when it is like this.

I know how hard it must have been to send your Ferguson to market - especially if you had a good relationship with him. This is the last year we will use Thorson, and I'm glad that we have several people who are interested in him - he is such a sweet fellow - John is even able to go into his pen & mow or work around him without worrying.

Well, I'm nearing the end of my lunch hour. Better get back to work. Have a happy fall day! Tina