Hi All,
I've been downloading some clip art to use as a business card and on the website and have not been able to find them today.
I did find this one (<-) and thought I'd try it out. I like it because it's colorful and shows quite a bit of things I'm interested in - knitting, sewing, and quilting, so I may use this one.
I have been busy trying to finish up some of my UFO's (unfinished objects) and spent quite a bit of time yesterday afternoon blocking a shawl I made out of Noro Taikyo (sp?) and got all of it blocked but for 1 corner which I will finish today. I love the colors and it will go with anything. I have started another triangular shawl out of a 4 ply yarn that has 3 plies of a chocolate brown and 1 ply of white wool spun together, so far it looks really nice. I hope to post some pictures of these on the website and maybe on Facebook, if my camera decides to play nice (tempermental thing that it is).
Am waiting for it to cool down enough so I can work in the spare bedroom to finish making it my office/knitting/quilting/sewing room. I don't have a window A/C in there so right now it's closed off from the rest of the house which means it's more than likely very "warm". If I can't get in there until fall, then I will try to get more UFO's done.
Am seriously thinking about ordering some BFL (blue-faced Leicester) yarn from Wool2Dye4 and doing some dying or I might spin some more of my Shetland roving and dye it. Decisions, decisions.
Well, better go for now. Have some errands to run in town.
Til later.